Be Prepared with ManeStay Equine Emergency ID Tag
ManeStay is appropriate for use during fire, tornado, hurricane, and flood evacuation - when fences may be down – and during travel. Visible identification is imperative to be reunited as quickly as possible. ManeStay is safe, secure and highly visible taking just 3 seconds to attach!
If you wish to have I.C.E. identification for
long term use such as fire or flood season, while riding, camping, turnout and transport or ID on saddle or human) consider the
UltraLite tag.
IMPORTANT: Even if your equine is tattooed, freeze branded or micro chipped there will likely be a delay in identifying your animal unless they have the tools to read the chip, brand or tattoo.
- 3 second safe, secure attachment
- Highly visible and dependable
- 8.75" length; weighs 1.75 oz.
- Greatly increases odds of being reunited ASAP
- Immediate access to your contact information
What is the difference between ManeStay and UltraLite I.C.E. Tags?
ManeStay attaches to tail or mane in 3 seconds
- Easy to attach during emergencies or evacuations, when time is of the essence.
- Weighs 1.75 ounces
UltraLite requires a mane braid to be attached.
- Weighs less than 1 ounce
- Appropriate for long term use
- Does not bend hair
- Multiple uses/applications

Do you recommend the ManeStay for long term use?
ManeStay isn't intended for long term - daily use, so we wouldn't recommend it for that purpose. It's designed so you'll have a tool that's readily accessible (in your go bag or unlocked cabinet) to attach ID quickly when faced with an emergency evacuation to a designated shelter area and you want to ID your horse. If you are faced with an emergency situation where you might have to turn your horse loose or move them to a large field, an UltraLite may be a more stable ID tag.
Will the ManeStay melt or subsequently burn my equine?
No. The ManeStay is designed to be safe for the horse faced with a fire situation. The I.C.E. form itself is made of a Calfire rated flame-resistant material. The nylon strap melts at between 419º and 430º. The polycarbonate material (the yellow ManeStay body, hook and plunger) melts at 520º. ManeStay's metal parts are stainless steel. If the mane/tail hair is exposed to 370º or higher, the hair will disintegrate. Because the mane/tail hair at those temperatures becomes a fuel, ManeStay will drop to the ground well before any of ManeStay's components would begin to distort. At temps up to 370º, ManeStay is still providing safe, secure identification. ManeStay will not contribute to fueling a fire while it is still attached to the animal. If the animal is exposed to 300º+ temperatures, he is unfortunately already in grave danger with burns and/or smoke inhalation.
ManeStay Reviews
"I ordered 3 of the ManeStay tags ahead of Hurricane Irma. They are high quality, and the spring is no joke! The product quality exceeded my expectations!" ~Kayla~
"ManeStay: the peace of mind knowing our herd has proper identification in case of an emergency is priceless. Made in the USA is appreciated." ~Marie~
"I ordered two Mane Stays from you and they just arrived. They’re perfect. What a great idea...easy to use...quick to install...rugged and easily seen. Thank you for contributing to my peace of mind should we be faced with a disaster. Every bit of preparedness and planning beforehand helps." ~Lesley~
"We used ManeStays during Hurricane Irma! Couldn’t have been happier with them! I ordered them as soon as I saw the storm was coming towards us. They shipped crazy fast and we were able to send our boys out into 300 acres and I knew they would be okay. The next morning they came back with their ManeStays just like we sent them out." ~ Catey~
Before You Begin
- Complete the I.C.E. form with your emergency contact information before attaching ManeStay to your horse or pony.
- To ensure your information is permanent and 100% waterproof, we recommend using an ultra fine point Sharpie®.
How to Attach ManeStay to Mane or Tail
Note: Please become comfortable with the attachment process immediately so that you can act quickly if an emergency strikes.
Step #1 - Grasp Hair
- Working back from your horse's ears approximately 10" or more, grasp a lock of mane hair and pull it taut.
- If your horse's mane is too short, or too thin to make a secure attachment, attach ManeStay to the tail as high as possible but not so as to interfere with the dock.
Step #2 - Attach the Hook
- While holding ManeStay with two fingers, press the plunger with your thumb.
Place ManeStay's hook onto the hair (approximately 2-3" down from the crest of the neck), then release the plunger.
- The hook will retract into ManeStay; drawing the hair.
- You will see an obvious "U" bend in the hair.
WARNING:Do not place a finger inside the hook. It WILL be pinched!
Step #3 - Tug to Secure
Tug on the strap to seat ManeStay in the hair. It should be very secure at this point.
- If it is not, you may have put too much or too little hair inside (probably too little).
- Repeat the process until ManeStay is securely seated in the mane or tail.
More Helpful Hints to Ensure Proper Attachment
ALWAYS lightly tug on the strap after attaching ManeStay to seat it onto the hair. It's also a test to ensure you've attached it correctly.
- Use a section of hair about an inch wide. Collecting hair from too wide of an area or trying to collect too much hair into ManeStay's hook is counterproductive. The hair needs to be fully drawn into ManeStay to be secure. If the hook hasn't fully retracted, start over with a smaller quantity of hair.
- The coarseness of horse hair varies widely so try different amounts of hair to see what quantity of hair is correct for your horse.
- Don't twist or braid the hair. The hair needs to be flexible enough to be drawn fully into the ManeStay and create a very noticeable U-bend in the hair. There needs to be a minimum of 2" of hair protruding from the bottom of the hook.
- Practice when you receive your ManeStay to ensure proper attachment.
ManeStay Storage Tips
- Keep your ManeStays with other emergency supplies in an unlocked cabinet, trunk, or trash can with lid.
- If you're including a food allergy, prescription info, or instructions specific to one horse, identify the outside of the ManeStay with that horse's name or initials.
- To ensure your emergency contact information is permanent and 100% waterproof, use an ultra fine point Sharpie®.