Follow these tips for mounting, hanging, using and filling your Hay Pillows® and slow feed hay nets. Have a tip to share you don't see here? Contact us to let us know!
Getting the Longest Life
To ensure the longest life possible of your Hay Pillows® and slow feed hay nets be sure there are no sharp, abrasive objects or surfaces adjacent to - or near - the bags.
Filling Your Pillows
Do not fill your Hay Pillows too full - it will force your equine to use only his teeth to extract hay from the netting instead of gathering it with his lips. You should be able to easily manipulate the hay by shaking the bag.
If Filling Your Day Net is Cumbersome
Place it inside a trash can and drape the top of the net over the edge to load your hay.
Attach Swivel Clips in a Tub or Water Trough to Secure Your Day or Bale Net
This is a great solution if you prefer to keep your nets off the ground OR you want to enable a horse with shoes to eat from ground level. Tubs and troughs can be placed outside, under shelters or in a stall with a Day Net, Small Bale Net or West Coast Bale Net secured inside.
If your horse is barefoot, only one swivel clip is required.
If your horse is shod: install 2 swivel clips on opposite ends to secure both ends of the net, attach the tub/trough to a post or wall so it cannot be tipped over and ensure it is tall enough to prevent a shod hoof from being placed inside it.
Please note: Due to the dangers involved in using any mesh material that can potentially get caught in a horseshoe, netting should not be used on the ground by shod livestock.

Day Net Clipped In Tub
If your horse is shod, install 2 swivel clips on opposite ends to secure both ends of the net and attach the tub/trough to a post or wall so it cannot be tipped over. Ensure the tub is tall enough to prevent a shod hoof from being placed inside it.

Additional Hay Net Uses/Options for Barefoot Equines
Use Swivel Clips When Hanging
Always use swivel clips when hanging a bag. The bag won't twist, just the clip!
Secure the Clip Facing Back
Secure the swivel clip facing the back of the bag. If the bag is empty or low and your horse flips it upward, the netting won't get caught in the sliding mechanism of the clip.
Suspend Hanging Bags and Nets for Over Eager Eaters
The best method for mounting a Hanging Hay Pillow for voracious (over eager) eaters is to suspend it. 1) Hang from a tree limb (away from the trunk) or rafters in the stall. 2) Slide a piece of PVC pipe over the entire length of the rope to avoid entanglement and attach a swivel clip at the bottom. If there is nothing solid behind the bag, your horse can't push on it to grate his teeth across the netting. This also makes it more challenging.

Note: The Hanging Hay Pillow was designed to be hung approximately 4" from the ground for barefoot horses. For shod livestock hang it high enough so the horse cannot paw at it. This allows your equine to eat in a more natural position and enables him to utilize the entire netting area.
In High Winds, Add Round Smooth Rocks for Extra Ground Weight
If you experience high winds and use Standard Hay Pillow slow feed bags or Mini Hay Pillows, place a rounded smooth rock (smaller than your fist) in the bag with the hay. This is not necessary under "normal" breezy conditions, only higher winds/gusts.

Secure At Least Two Corners of Your Trailer Manger Hay Pillow® to Keep it in Place
Secure both ends of your Manger Hay Pillow® with adjustable straps (sold separately). If not secured properly:
- It can slide out and over the front edge of the manger.
- It can potentially be flipped over (solid back up).
Slant Load Manger
Straight Load Manger
Use a Large Raised Tub to Save Your Back
A large raised tub is a back saver if you shake your hay out before filling your bags.